Words of Weather

Jussi Parikka (Editor), Daphne Dragona (Editor)

Research output: Book/anthology/dissertation/reportAnthologyResearch


Weather exists as an atmosphere that can be measured, as an environment that is lived, and as time in which we experience humidity, pressure, temperature, and visibility. What would be the appropriate terms of weather that speak to this trio of concerns – measure, experience, and time? This glossary of weather is a manual to navigate through the contemporary moment on the surface and in the air, on bodies, and in our environments. It examines how weather has significance as a reality defined through scientific models and technical sensors, while it is being felt differently and unevenly in different parts of the world. It studies the weather as an ecology taking in mind its technologies and affects, its scientific language and poetics, its phenomena and interpretations through various perspectives, cultures, and geographies.

The Glossary accompanies the exhibition “Weather Engines” (curated by Daphne Dragona and Jussi Parikka), and provides familiar and unexpected terms as proposed and written by artists, philosophers, academics, and architects.

The book is published both in English and Greek.
Original languageEnglish
Place of publicationAthens
PublisherOnassis Foundation
Number of pages192
ISBN (Print)978-618-85928-1-0
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2022


  • environmental humanities
  • environment and media
  • art theory
  • Architectural theory
  • Anthropocene
  • media theory


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