What transformation is needed for research institutes to support citizen science?

Muki Haklay, Claudia Iasillo, Sofia Mojica, Gitte Kragh

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceResearchpeer-review


Institutional support and recognition of C*Sci practices and researchers are important to underpin and ensure the success of C*Science. However, in many research institutions there are a variety of institutional barriers limiting the potential development, execution, and impact of C*Sci initiatives. These include recognition of C*Sci achievements within institutions, funding of C*Sci activities, distrust of C*Sci, and general institutional support. Such institutional support includes capacity building of staff, including researchers, support staff and management, to ensure that C*Sci projects are designed for action, diversity, equality, and impact, also within the communities engaged with and in society in general, thus also building local trust.In this work we therefore aim to include speakers from the Global South as co-presenters, but due to timing they are not able to confirm their participation at C*Sci2023 yet, hence they are not listed as co-presenters.

The three EU-funded projects, INCENTIVE, pro-Ethics and TIME4CS, are all working on identifying and breaking down institutional barriers to better support and embed C*Sci within institutions. This symposium will build on work already done in these projects (which can be found here: https://incentive-project.eu/resources/reports/, https://pro-ethics.eu/pro-ethics-outputs, https://www.time4cs.eu/resources) which will be briefly presented. We have seen in our work that successful C*Sci is often interdisciplinary, requiring interdepartmental collaboration within research institutions which can be a barrier to developing successful projects. Increasing the amount of C*Sci projects across different fields and departments within research institutions will open up science to a variety of new and diverse audiences and societal actors, as well as making C*Sci more inclusive and impactful.

This C*Sci Community Exchange invite stakeholders working with and in research institutions to co-develop a resource to enable institutional change to support long-term acceptance and embedding of C*Sci practices within research institutions (e.g., universities, governmental or charitable research institutions). Many C*Sci practitioners face similar institutional barriers and in some instances solutions have been found and can be shared. The finished resource will be freely available and shared widely, including on C*Sci-relevant platforms such as EU-citizen.science and through a free webinar.

(Workshop session)
Original languageEnglish
Publication date24 May 2023
Publication statusPublished - 24 May 2023
EventC*Sci 2023 - Arizona State University, Phoenix, United States
Duration: 22 May 202326 May 2023


ConferenceC*Sci 2023
LocationArizona State University
Country/TerritoryUnited States
Internet address


  • Citizen science
  • Institutional change


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