Value Creation is Important - but we Seldom Use that Word

Jette Seiden Hyldegård, Helle Meibom Færgemann

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearchpeer-review


It has become increasingly important for universities to document that they create value for society (Rashidi et al., 2020). One way to contribute impact is by engaging students in entrepreneurial value creating processes (Moberg & Rasmussen, 2016). This paper explores value creation in HE based on a case study involving an interdisciplinary teacher training course on entrepreneurial teaching, where the university teachers were introduced to value creation conceptions. This led to interesting discussions and reflections, but also questions on how to integrate the value creation perspective in concrete courses and programs. To qualify value creation pedagogy (Lackéus, 2018) at the university we are interested in:
1. How do teachers perceive and reflect on value creation in relation to I&E teaching?
2. How can we support teaching and educational development by providing teachers with models of value creation as didactic and pedagogical tools in I&E teaching?
Approach: This paper combines a review of existing models of value creation related to the field of innovation and entrepreneurship with an empirical case study. The case study applies a mixed method including a small survey among entrepreneurship educators, expert interviews carried out as preparation for developing the course, materials developed by the course participants and interviews with 5 participating educators/educational leaders.
Results: Firstly we present different understandings of value creation which seemingly are influenced by the disciplinary field, the course/curriculum the educators are involved in and the values and ideas of their students. Overall two main understandings of value creation appear: as a mindset and as a competence. Finally a new supplementary model for value creation in relation to entrepreneurial teaching and education is proposed.
Implications: The main intention behind the proposed model is to develop a heuristic that can inspire and support teachers, educational leaders and - developers who wish to develop and implement entrepreneurial education where students develop competencies in value creation. Ultimately this could lead to more students gaining competencies in value creation through their university studies.
Value/Originality: The proposed ‘dynamic value-creation model for entrepreneurial education’ supplements existing models. Firstly it combines characteristics from existing models by including a number of different types of value and different levels of stakeholders as well as focusing solely on entrepreneurial teaching and education. However new perspectives and elements are also added: The addition of time and an actor adds up to a more dynamic model.
Translated title of the contributionVærdiskabelse er vigtigt, men vi taler sjældent om det
Original languageEnglish
Publication dateMay 2022
Number of pages16
Publication statusPublished - May 2022

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