Ubiquitous Computing in Physico-Spatial Environments: Activity Theoretical Considerations

    Research output: Working paper/Preprint Working paperResearch


    Interaction design of pervasive and ubiquitous computing (UC) systems must take into account physico-spatial issues as technology is implemented into our physical surroundings. In this paper we discuss how one conceptual framework for understanding interaction in context, Activity Theory (AT), frames the role of space. We point to the fact that AT treats space primarily in terms of analyzing the role of space before designing IT-systems and evaluating spatial effects of IT-systems in use contexts after the design phase. We consequently identify a gap in that role of space is not recognized in the design process. We address this gap by discussing the role of physical space in relation to key concepts of AT in terms of how an increased awareness of physico-spatial aspects influences the understanding and design of IT systems.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages4
    Publication statusPublished - 2007


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