The role of knowledge, control, and work processes within agility

Lucas Peter Høj Brasen*, Torben Tambo

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearch


Agility has through the last two decades become a significant part of organizational strategy, to ensure higher effectiveness, learning capabilities, and competitiveness in an increasingly complex and competitive business environment. However, even though agile as a term has existed for only 20 years and started specifically as a method of working with software development, agility and methods derived from agility have spread to almost every part of the organization. From production optimization to project management and large-scale organizational frameworks. The use of agile methods has generally provided improvements for the organizations that choose to adopt them, but a steep learning curve contributes to a need for skilled people. This paper seeks to establish key theoretical fundamentals on agility related to management, leadership, and governance, by reviewing literature on agility. The key findings in the paper suggest that the essential processes of; control, work, and knowledge are significant contributors to ensuring success with agility. The paper will highlight these processes and elaborate on the three processes' relevance for organizational agile success, through the means of management, leadership, and governance. The categorization of the three processes is conducted through a theoretical taxonomic understanding of agility in organizations and literature. The practical implications of the paper are a specific outline of control, knowledge, and work processes within agile methods, specifically as the field of agile both in research and application have become muddled with frameworks and methods build upon the Agile Manifestos. The research implications of the paper are the showcasing of processes within agility that has potential for exploitation both in an organizational perspective, but also to support the authors' further research into deriving agility from a development specific focus to an operational aspect of the organization, with a production centered approach. This also correlates with the originality of the paper, which relates to theorizing on the implications of agility from development processes to the production-centered operations of the organization.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 17th European Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance, ECMLG 2021
Number of pages7
PublisherAcademic Conferences and Publishing International Limited
Publication date8 Nov 2021
ISBN (Electronic)9781914587207
Publication statusPublished - 8 Nov 2021
SeriesEuropean Conference on Management, Leadership & Governance


  • Agility
  • Control Processes
  • Iterative methods
  • Knowledge Processes
  • Work Processes


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