The Overheard: An ecological approach to public sounding art

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearchpeer-review


In Danish, the word overhøre has two contrasting meanings. It both refers to the situation where we do not pay attention to what we were supposed to hear, as well as the situation in which we vaguely hear something that was not intended for us. Our artistic research project The Overheard reflects on this ambiguity by staging overhearing as an essential ecological mode of and thus an integrating factor in the understanding of our place (Dunn, 1997). The Overheard is a part of the official program for European Capital of Culture, Aarhus 2017. The main objective is to invite everybody to listen more carefully and rediscover our sounding surroundings by offering several different listening experiences in the form of thematic live concerts, sound sculptures and the development of a soundscape webpage that connects the locations and sculptures in real time through an online mixer (at The Overheard aims to expand people’s understanding of the overheard as a generative, political and messy field of possibilities (Labelle, 2012) that allows for an ecological approach focused on the multisensory background, the atmosphere and the overheard, as well as raising issues around intimacy, surveillance and telepresence.
Original languageDanish
Publication date9 Nov 2017
Publication statusPublished - 9 Nov 2017
EventUNeECC 2017: 11th Interdisciplinary Conference of the University Network of the European Capitals of Culture: ReValue - Rethinking the value of arts and culture - Aarhus, Denmark
Duration: 8 Nov 201711 Nov 2017


ConferenceUNeECC 2017: 11th Interdisciplinary Conference of the University Network of the European Capitals of Culture
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