The Minds of Gods: New Horizons in the Naturalistic Study of Religion

Benjamin Grant Purzycki (Editor), Theiss Bendixen (Editor)

Research output: Book/anthology/dissertation/reportAnthologyResearchpeer-review


Why are humans obsessed with divine minds? What do gods know and what do they care about? What happens to us and our relationships when gods are involved?

Drawing from neuroscience, evolutionary, cultural, and applied anthropology, social psychology, religious studies, philosophy, technology, and cognitive and political sciences, The Minds of Gods probes these questions from a multitude of naturalistic perspectives. Each chapter offers brief intellectual histories of their topics, summarizes current cutting-edge questions in the field, and points to areas in need of attention from future researchers. Through an innovative theoretical framework that combines evolutionary and cognitive approaches to religion, this book brings together otherwise disparate literatures to focus on a topic that has comprised a lasting, central obsession of our species.
Original languageEnglish
Place of publicationNew York
PublisherBloomsbury Academic
Number of pages288
ISBN (Print)9781350265707, 9781350265745
ISBN (Electronic)9781350265714, 9781350265721
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2023
SeriesScientific Studies of Religion: Inquiry and Explanation


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