Teaching and learning in a traveling discipline

Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review


Taking departure in the fact that the project format spreads across many disciplines and practices and even has entered the private life of people, this paper wants to consider the challenges and opportunities involved with this process of migration with a specific focus on project management education. As a first step in this process we will analyse the central format of education repre-sented by the formal qualifications offered by the main certification institutions. Therefore, we utilize the framework of Trowler’s “teaching and learning regime” in order to understand the di-mensions of this dominant mode of project management education. It results in five different dimensions: 1. Knowledge as global best practices, 2. Experience as learning, 3. Associa-tion/membership as credential and access, 4. Maintenance of knowledge, and, 5. Formal courses as relevant but not necessary. The analysis and discussion of the dimensions with regards to po-tential impacts of a migration underline the need for emphasizing interpersonal experience in a wider sense, for incorporating experiential learning models into our educational formats, and for combining experiential learning with critical reflection in order to develop reflective practice. This requires a discussion on the understanding of reflective practice, which needs to be complement-ed by an analysis of existing educational formats aimed at understanding needs and possibilities for reflective practices in different contexts.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe human in the project
EditorsPer Svejvig, Magnus R. P. Hansen
Number of pages13
Place of publicationRoskilde
PublisherDansk Projektledelse
Publication dateMay 2018
ISBN (Print)978-87-980516-1-9
Publication statusPublished - May 2018


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