Somehow They Are Never Horny!

Gopinaath Kannabiran, Eve Hoggan, Lone Koefoed Hansen

Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

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With this provocation, we argue that existing HCI discourses on ageing risk rendering older adults as asexual individuals through research writing. We begin by articulating how discursive subjectivities such as users, consumers, participants, etc. are constructed, maintained, and propagated as representations of other individuals/groups through HCI research. We build our argument with examples highlighting tropes that have led to marginalization of certain groups of individuals through research writing. Through our provocation, we argue for re-framing and exploring sexual wellbeing of older adults as a fundamental humans rights issue and social justice concern while designing technologies. We point to problematic assumptions, amplify concerns, and call for further HCI research on sexual needs, desires, and experiences of older adults.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDIS 2020 Companion - Companion Publication of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference
Number of pages7
Place of publicationNew York
PublisherAssociation for Computing Machinery
Publication date6 Jul 2020
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-4503-7987-8
Publication statusPublished - 6 Jul 2020
EventACM conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) - Eindhoven, Netherlands
Duration: 6 Jul 202010 Jul 2020


ConferenceACM conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS)
Internet address


  • Older Adults
  • gerontology
  • sexual wellbeing
  • sexuality


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