Risk of Progression of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia Grade 2 by HPV Vaccination Status

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearchpeer-review


Background: HPV infection can lead to cervical precancer (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia [CIN], graded as CIN1 [mild], CIN2 [moderate], and CIN3 [severe]) and cancer. Historically, CIN2 was surgically removed, but as this is associated with preterm birth, fertile women are now recommended active surveillance. However, identification of women at risk of progression is needed. HPV vaccination protects against cervical cancer, but it is unknown if HPV vaccination status can be used to risk stratify CIN2.

Materials and methods: We will conduct a nationwide population-based cohort study using data from Danish registers. We will identify women with an incident CIN2 diagnosis during 2010-2020. Information on exposure (HPV vaccination) will be retrieved, as will all subsequent cervical samples to determine the outcome (regression, persistence, or progression of CIN2). We will estimate the risk of CIN2 progression among HPV-vaccinated vs. unvaccinated women adjusting for socio-economic status and other important covariates.

Results: The project is currently ongoing, and no results are obtained yet. Cox regression will be applied to estimate the hazard of progression to CIN3 or cancer by HPV vaccination status (vaccinated vs. unvaccinated). Results will be stratified by age at CIN2 diagnosis, birth year, year of CIN2 diagnosis, years since vaccination, age at vaccination, number of vaccine doses, and type of vaccine.

Conclusion: We expect our results will contribute with knowledge on whether HPV vaccination status can be used to identify risk of progression of CIN2. This will provide clinicians with important information that may be useful in clinical counselling and shared decision-making.
Original languageEnglish
Publication dateMar 2022
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2022
EventKongres for Medicinsk Studenterforskning 2022 - Sandbjerg Gods, Sandbjerg, Denmark
Duration: 10 Mar 202213 Mar 2022


ConferenceKongres for Medicinsk Studenterforskning 2022
LocationSandbjerg Gods

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