Reformation and Everyday Life

Research output: Book/anthology/dissertation/reportAnthologyResearchpeer-review


The European reformations meant major changes in theology, religion, and everyday life. Some changes were immediate and visible in a number of countries: monasteries were dissolved, new liturgies were introduced, and married pastors were ordained, other more hidden. Theologically, as well as practically the position of the church in the society changed dramatically, but differently according to confession and political differences. This volume addresses the question of how the theological, liturgical, and organizational changes changes brought by the reformation within different confessional cultures throughout Europe influenced the everyday life of ordinary people within the church and within society. The different contributions in the book ask how lived religion, space, and everyday life were formed in the aftermath of the reformation, and how we can trace changes in material culture, in emotions, in social structures, in culture, which may be linked to the reformation and the development of confessional cultures.
Translated title of the contributionReformation og hverdagsliv
Original languageEnglish
PublisherVandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Number of pages342
ISBN (Print)978-3-525-57355-6
Publication statusPublished - 31 Oct 2023
EventReformation and everyday life - Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
Duration: 30 May 20211 Jun 2021
SeriesRefo500 (R5AS) Academic Studies


ConferenceReformation and everyday life
LocationAarhus University
Internet address


  • Reformation
  • Everyday Life
  • Confessional Culture


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