Nordic School Policy Approaches to Evidence, Social Technologies and Transnational Collaboration

Lejf Moos*, John Benedicto Krejsler

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Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


This volume gives an overview of how national school policies in the five different Nordic countries have produced, interpreted and practiced different – yet similar – approaches to evidence, social technologies and collaborations in transnational forums like the OECD, EU, and IEA. The national policy developments and situations are seen in the context of transnational and global influences and as producers of and simultaneously consumers of, Nordic influences. We investigate social technologies, like evidence and what works, as major carriers of influence.
The analyses and discussions in the chapters of this volume are built on reports from the school systems of the five Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Swe-den. The country reports are constructed on the basis of a shared format for analyzing the particular contexts that each national school policy and practice emerges from in terms of society, politics, governance, professions and education. The comparisons of country re-ports and thematic chapters unveil similarities and differences that are central to under-standing the ways that the different Nordic countries cope with transnational policy advice and policy formats.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationWhat Works in Nordic School Policies? : Mapping Approaches to Evidence, Social Technologies and Transnational Influences
EditorsJohn Benedicto Krejsler, Lejf Moos
Number of pages24
Place of publicationCham
Publication date2021
ISBN (Print)978-3-030-66628-6
ISBN (Electronic)978-3-030-66629-3
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • comparison
  • Nordic-ness
  • governance
  • school reform
  • evidence
  • Grundskole
  • Uddannelsespolitik
  • Internationale komparative undersøgelser


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