title = "Marketing parameters and their influence on consumer food choice",
abstract = "Introduction: In everyday life, when you say 'marketing' most people associate it with communication and persuasion. 'Marketing' is advertising, merchandising, sales promotions, samples, coupons and other measures aimed at increasing sales of a particular product. It is not uncommon to talk about 'marketing tricks', implying that these are measures to induce people to buy things which they neither need nor want. In the academic treatment of marketing, the concept is somewhat broader. The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines marketing as 'The process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods, services, and ideas to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives'. The British Chartered Institute of Marketing defines it as 'the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably'. Other definitions abound, but most of them have a common core: marketing deals with bringing about exchanges (Bagozzi, 1975), it designates processes for bringing about these exchanges which occur on the selling side of the exchange (if the exchange is goods or services for money), and it deals with processes which have the aim of making these exchanges profitable for the seller and satisfying for the buyer. Marketing processes thus occur on the seller side, but deal with the buyer side. In order to bring about profitable exchanges, we need an understanding of what will make a potential buyer buy and what will make her satisfied with the purchase, so that she will come back for more exchanges in the future. This dual aspect of marketing has been coined in the concept of market orientation, which ismeant to designate a business philosophy which tries to understand potential customers and then manage business processes in such a way that one is responsive to the understanding of potential customers one has generated (Kohli and Jaworski, 1990). Marketing parameters are those parameters at the disposal of the seller that will have an impact on a potential buyer's probability of actually buying.",
keywords = "MAPP, F{\o}devarevalg, Marketingparametre, Ern{\ae}ring, MAPP, Food choice, Marketing parameters, Nutrition",
author = "Grunert, {Klaus G.}",
year = "2006",
language = "English",
series = "Frontiers in Nutritional Science",
pages = "161--177",
editor = "Richard Shepherd and Monique Raats",
booktitle = "The Psychology of Food Choice",
publisher = "CABI Publishing",