Literature Review of Enterprise Systems Research Using Institutional Theory: Towards a Conceptual Model

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    This paper sets out to examine the use of institutional theory as a conceptually rich lens to study social issues of enterprise systems (ES) research. More precisely, the purpose is to categorize current ES research using institutional theory to develop a conceptual model that advances ES research. Key institutional features are presented such as isomorphism, rationalized myths, bridging macro and micro structures, and institutional logics and their implications for ES research are discussed. Through a literature review of 180 articles, of which 18 papers are selected, we build a conceptual model which advocates for multi-level and multi-theory approaches, and applies newer institutional aspects such as institutional logics. The findings show that institutional theory in ES research is in its infancy and adopts mainly traditional institutional aspects like isomorphism, with the organization as the level of analysis, and in several cases complemented by structuration theory and other theories..
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of publicationAarhus
    PublisherAarhus School of Business, Aarhus University, Department of Management
    Number of pages46
    ISBN (Electronic)9788778824097
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


    • Enterprise systems research
    • institutional theory
    • social theory,
    • conceptual model
    • literature review
    • multi-level analysis


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