Invariant differential operators on H-type groups and discrete components in restrictions of complementary series of rank one semisimple groups

Jan Möllers, Bent Ørsted, Genkai Zhang

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We explicitly construct a finite number of discrete components in the restriction of complementary series representations of rank one semisimple groups G to rank one subgroups G 1. For this we use the realizations of complementary series representations of G and G 1 on Sobolev-type spaces on the nilpotent radicals N and N 1 of the minimal parabolics in G and G 1, respectively. The groups N and N 1 are of H-type and we construct explicitly invariant differential operators between N and N 1. These operators induce the projections onto the discrete components.Our construction of the invariant differential operators is carried out uniformly in the framework of H-type groups and also works for those H-type groups which do not occur as a nilpotent radical of a parabolic subgroup in a semisimple group.

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Geometric Analysis
Pages (from-to)118-142
Number of pages25
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2016


  • Complementary series
  • Invariant differential operators
  • Lie groups
  • Sobolev type spaces


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