In vitro dynamic nuclear polarization study for tracking real-time metabolism in endothelial progenitor cells

Simon Meyer Lauritsen, Lotte Bonde Bertelsen, Peter Johansen, Jens Vinge Nygaard, Hans Stødkilde-Jørgensen

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceResearchpeer-review


Endothelial progenitor cells are an important factor in the protection against athero-sclerosis. Dysfunctional EPS’s has been documented in diseases like diabetes, and has been postulated to be the course of atherosclerosis. With the new technology hyperpolarized MRS it is possible to quantify changes in flux rates due regulation of specific metabolic pathways.
A correlation exists between these changes in flux rates and dysfunction of EPC's, thus the aim of this research is to develop a system that could potentially be used in the evaluation of medical drugs against atherosclerosis. Hyperpolarized DNP 13C MRS has been combined with a 3D bioreactor in order to measure flux rates. FEM simulations were used to optimize the bioreactor geometry and achieve optimal DNP bioprobe distribution among cells. Cells were cultured in scaffolds made from PCL and fabricated using FDM 3D printing. MRS with hyperpolerized [13C]-enriched pyruvate in combination with a 9.4T Agiliant magnet has been used for metabolic scans. Four versions of the bioreactor have been constructed. Two ver-sions were 3D printed by additive FDM methods and the rest were manually con-structed. Two transmit/receive RF coils have been constructed, both coils tunable in the 100 MHz+ range. In the initial DNP experiments a 23% polarization was ob-tained. However, it was not possible to detect any metabolic activity during these initial scans. In order for the system to be useful for studying metabolic activity in EPC’s, a rescaling of components and further experiments are necessary.
Original languageDanish
Publication date16 Sept 2014
Publication statusPublished - 16 Sept 2014
EventDMTS 2014, dansk medikoteknisk landsmøde - Brædstrup, Denmark
Duration: 16 Sept 201418 Sept 2014


ConferenceDMTS 2014, dansk medikoteknisk landsmøde

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