Homotopy limits in the category of dg-categories in terms of $\mathrm{A}_{\infty}$-comodules

Sergey Arkhipov, Sebastian Ørsted

Research output: Working paper/Preprint Working paperResearch

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In this paper, we apply an explicit construction of a simplicial powering in dg-categories, due to Holstein (2016) and Arkhipov and Poliakova (2018), as well as our own results on homotopy ends (Arkhipov and {\O}rsted 2018), to obtain an explicit model for the homotopy limit of a cosimplicial system of dg-categories. We apply this to obtain a model for homotopy descent in terms of $\mathrm{A}_{\infty}$-comodules, proving a conjecture by Block, Holstein, and Wei (2017) in the process.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 10 Dec 2018


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