High resolution polarimetric l-band SAR - design and first results

N. Skou, Johan Granholm, Kim Woelders, John Rohde, Jørgen Dall, E.L. Christensen

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8 Citations (Scopus)


An L-band polarimetric SAR system has been developed as part of the dual frequency (L- & C-band), polarimetric, airborne EMISAR system. The SAR features a unique combination of fine resolution (2 × 2 m) and wide swath (9.3 km). The transmitter power is 6 kW. From a flight altitude of 41,000 ft the range of the radar is 64 km with a noise equivalent sigma naught of -20 dB. The antenna is a stacked microstrip patch array with the feed structure on the back side of the antenna panel to reduce unwanted radiation. The cross polar level is below -35 dB. The polarization switch is a relatively conventional PIN diode switch matrix able to sustain the 6 kW peak power from the transmitter still exhibiting low loss (0.3 dB) and high isolation (more than 50 dB). Thus system cross talk (between polarizations) is dominated by antenna cross talk and is some -35 dB. Polarimetric imagery has been acquired over the EMISAR calibration scene: An agricultural site in Denmark featuring a range of different fields and forested areas as well as several trihedrals and dihedrals. Based on the imagery data, sensor performance is assessed. The L & C-band polarimetric EMISAR instrument is one of the key sensors in the JRC EARSEC initiative aiming at supplying state-of-the-art remote sensing data to European scientists.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInternational Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)
Number of pages4
Publication dateJul 1995
ISBN (Print)0-7803-2567-2
Publication statusPublished - Jul 1995
Externally publishedYes


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