Heterogeneity of Danish lung choirs and their singing leaders – a study of performance, experiences, and attitudes in an emerging field

Mette Kaasgaard, Ingrid Charlotte Andersen, Peter Vuust, Ole Hilberg, Anders Løkke, Uffe Bodtger

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearch


Background: Lung choirs gain increasing attention as a beneficial leisure time intervention. In United Kingdom a standardized training program is offered to singing leaders by the British Lung Foundation. A similar program is not available in Denmark. This study investigates current variety in setting and approach in Danish lung choirs.

Methods: An online survey was performed among Danish lung choir singing leaders, comprising 25 questions. Quantitative variables were counted, and inductive content analysis approach was used for the qualitative component.

Results: Totally, 20 (67%) of 33 identified singing leaders responded. The lung choirs were heterogenous concerning setting, form, content and approach. Most singing leaders held high educational degrees in music, but lacked skills in lung diseases. The choirs were traditionally led with low levels of physical activity. However, singing leaders experienced lung choirs as a highly meaningful, and perceived that participants benefitted physically, psycho-socially, and musically. The study also identified concurrent tension fields, spanning from enthusiasm concerning perceived potentials of the field of “arts-and-health”, and experiences of insecurity and isolation among the singing leaders.

Interpretation: Danish singing leaders to do not have insight into disease specific aspects of singing in lung choirs, and lead the choirs without using techniques endorsed by the best documented singing leader training program (from UK). Nevertheless, the responding singing leaders found their activity highly meaningful.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date1 Oct 2019
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2019
EventEuropean Respiratory Society (ERS) International Congress 2019, Madrid - Madrid, Spain
Duration: 28 Sept 20192 Oct 2019


ConferenceEuropean Respiratory Society (ERS) International Congress 2019, Madrid


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