Grouping Notes Through Nodes: The Functions of Post-it Notes in Design Team Cognition

Graham Dove, Sille Julie Abildgaard, Michael Mose Biskjær, Nicolai Brodersen Hansen, Bo Christensen, Kim Halskov

Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review

10 Citations (Scopus)


The Post-it note is a frequently used, and yet seldom studied, design material. We investigate the functions that Post-it notes serve when providing cognitive support for creative design team practice. Our investigation considers the ways in which Post-it notes function as design externalisations, both individually and when grouped, and their role in categorisation in semantic long-term memory. To do this, we adopt a multimodal analytical approach focusing on interaction between humans, and between humans and artefacts, alongside language.We discuss in detail examples of four different externalisation functions served by Post-it notes, and show how these functions are present in complex overlapping combinations rather than being discrete.We then show how the temporal development of Post-it note interactions supports categorisation qualities of semantic long-term memory.

Original languageDanish
Title of host publicationAnalysing Design Thinking : Studies of Cross-Cultural Co-Creation
EditorsBo Christensen, Linden Ball, Kim Halskov
Number of pages20
PublisherCRC Press
Publication date1 Jan 2017
ISBN (Print)9781138748446
ISBN (Electronic)9781351802833
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2017

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