Governing the Danish agri-food transition

Mette Løvschal, Anders Blok

Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/proceedingReport chapterResearch


Green, agri-food transition governance comprises all the means of exercising control over, steering, and directing the interplay of organizations, institutions, and practices that comprise society’s food chains and agricultural systems in the process towards enhanced sustainability. Transition governance is both formal and informal, based variously on legal regulation, power, norms and values, and it requires sustained coordination across spatial (local-global) and temporal (short-, medium- and long-term) scales. Likewise, governance cuts across the public-private divide, by being enacted at the intersection and with the active participa- tion of governments and political agencies, market actors, civil society groups, everyday citizen-consumers, as well as in crosscutting networks and partnerships. Here, non-hu- man ecological entities and processes partake in and frame governance options
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationRoadmap for sustainable transformation of the danish agri-food system : Whitepaper : AgriFoodTure
Place of publicationAarhus
Publication date2021
Publication statusPublished - 2021


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