Gelling properties of pea protein isolate in combination with protein from wild harvested Ulva sp.

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Plant-based proteins as food functional ingredients are increasing in demand due to lower climate impact and consumer interests in vegetarian and vegan diets. Furthermore, marine macro- and microalgae are also considered as food protein sources for the same reasons. The macroalgae Ulva sp. (common name sea lettuce) is a highly nutritious and fast-growing seaweed species that is of interest to extract protein from as it grows in Danish fjords. Pea protein isolates are available commercially, but with varying functional properties as gelling agents in foods. The study aim was to assess the functional properties of Ulva protein compared to a commercial pea protein isolate (PPI). The gelling properties of Ulva protein and PPI were analyzed at food relevant pH conditions. Gelling properties of Ulva protein were assessed, but showed poor gelling ability alone, while PPI forms heat induced soft gel depending on protein concentration. Combinations with 10% and 30% relative substitutions with Ulva protein in PPI gels were analysed. Rheological small amplitude oscillation measurements revealed synergistic effects of the two protein sources combined with significantly increased gel strength and stability at low Ulva protein inclusion, and significantly increased gel strength but decreased stability at increased Ulva protein inclusion. Based on the results, Ulva protein may have potential as functionality ingredient in complex plant-based foods. Further research on sensory properties regarding flavour and colour is ongoing.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2023
Publication statusPublished - 2023
EventNordic Rheology Conference 2023 - Aarhus, Denmark
Duration: 12 Apr 202314 Apr 2023


ConferenceNordic Rheology Conference 2023
Internet address

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