Extension of the HVE 1 MV multi-element AMS system for low background

M. Klein*, J. Heinemeier, A. Gottdang, D. J W Mous, Jesper Olsen

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15 Citations (Scopus)


HVE has extended its 1 MV multi-element AMS system to enhance its performance on elements like Be-10 and C-14 as well as actinides like Pu. The original system is very compact, but had some inherent limitations on e.g. background and the mass resolution of the injector magnet. With the extension, system performance has improved in several aspects: For actinide measurements, the low-energy spectrometer is equipped with a 120 degrees magnet featuring a high mass resolution (M/Delta M > 1000) and a high bending power (340 amu at 35 keV), supporting e.g. injection of (PuF5)-Pu-244-F-19. For H-3 AMS, all magnets are equipped with Hall-probe control. The accelerator is equipped with a dual gas stripper system. The high energy spectrometer was extended by a 30 degree magnet removing ions scattering in the high-energy ESA. This has improved the background for Be-10 AMS by two orders of magnitude down to the low 10(-16). For C-14 AMS the magnet allows using charge state 1+ by suppressing scattered C-13 to a level also in the low 10(-16). The new system has a footprint of 10.4 m x 4.9 m, including a second ion source in the injector and provisions for future implementation of an isobar separator for anions (ISA) for e.g. Cl-36 measurements. The first extended system will be delivered to the Aarhus AMS C-14 Dating Centre. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Original languageEnglish
JournalNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
Pages (from-to)204-208
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jul 2014
Event11th European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology - Namur, Belgium
Duration: 8 Sept 201313 Sept 2013


Conference11th European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology


  • Accelerator mass spectrometry
  • Degrader foil
  • Magnet design


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