Evaluating a new project management methodology: results from a multiple embedded comparative case study

Anna Le Gerstrøm Rode, Anne Jensby, Per Svejvig

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Project management as a field of practice and research is characterized by impressive amounts of normative literature and extensive collections of best practices on the one hand and a very limited amount of proof of the efficiency of the proposed tools and techniques on the other hand. Among the limited empirical evaluations of project management guidelines, the majority obey the dominant positivist paradigm within this stream of research. The results within and across the limited studies are inconsistent, conflicting and contradicting. This paper takes point of departure in a specific project management methodology (PMM) and aims to contribute to the general debate on PMM evaluation by answering the research question: To what extent is a specific PMM successful in increasing project performance? An engaged scholarship approach is taken to conduct a comparative multiple and embedded case study of 68 pilot and reference projects in 16 organizations. Out of 19 pilot projects applying the specific PMM, seven indicate that the PMM is successful in achieving its objective of increasing project performance. However, five pilot projects indicate that the specific PMM is not successful in achieving its objective, but decreases project performance. Three pilot projects are unclear, and four pilot projects are lacking data. Overall results are mixed and point to the complexity of PMM evaluation – both ontologically and epistemologically. Contributions are threefold and include 1) a fit between PMM and project type and industry that can nuance contingency theory around PMM, 2) a methodological model and operationalization for evaluating a PMM that can expand the limited variety of methods behind PMM evaluation, and 3) practical implications for reflective project managers that can supplement their understanding and increase project performance.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2021
Publication statusPublished - 2021
EventEuropean Academy of Management: Reshaping capitalism for a sustainable world - in collaboration with University du Québec à Montréal , Montréal, Canada
Duration: 16 Jun 202118 Jun 2021


ConferenceEuropean Academy of Management
Locationin collaboration with University du Québec à Montréal
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