Draw the Line! International Conference, Copenhagen 2008. Papers, proceedings and recommendations

Cathrine Hasse (Editor), Stine Trentemøller (Editor), Anne Bjerregaard Sinding (Editor)

    Research output: Book/anthology/dissertation/reportAnthologyResearch


    Draw the Line! International Conference, Copenhagen 2008 Papers, proceedings and recommendations is the second publication of the international three year long project "Understanding Puzzles in the Gendered European Map" (UPGEM), which is financed by the European Commission.
    In this publication we present proceedings from the UPGEM conference "Draw the Line!" in Copenhagen May 2008. The proceedings include contributions by UPGEM researchers, conference speeches by other researchers, politicians and gender equality officers in which they relate their work and research with the research done in UPGEM.
    The UPGEM research has previously been published in national reports from each of the partner countries (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Italy and Poland). In these individual national reports of universities as workplaces for male and female researchers we discuss scientific cultures in physics embedded in the national contexts (see Draw the Line! Universities as workplaces for male and female researchers in Europe and http://www.upgem.dk/). We have also identified and discussed three scientific cultures in physics across the national borders. We call these scientific cultures: Hercules, Caretakers and Worker Bees (see the third publication Break the Pattern! A critical enquiry into three scientific workplace cultures: Hercules, Caretakers and Worker Bees).
    Finally, the UPGEM consortium presents a set of recommendations that are based on the qualitative research. The recommendations address how to break self-evident cultural patterns that impede the gender balance in academia.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of publicationTartu
    Number of pages165
    ISBN (Print)978-9949-11-973-8
    Publication statusPublished - 2008


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