Directed connectivity between primary and premotor areas underlying ankle force control in young and older adults

Meaghan Elizabeth Spedden, Mikkel Malling Beck, Mark Schram Christensen, Martin Dietz, Anke Ninija Karabanov, Svend Sparre Geertsen, Jens Bo Nielsen, Jesper Lundbye-Jensen

Research output: Working paper/Preprint Working paperResearch


The control of ankle muscle force is an integral component of walking and postural control. Aging impairs the ability to produce force steadily and accurately, which can compromise functional capacity and quality of life. Here, we hypothesized that reduced force control in older adults would be associated with altered cortico-cortical communication within a network comprising the primary motor area (M1), the premotor cortex (PMC), parietal, and pre-frontal regions. We examined electroencephalographic (EEG) responses from fifteen younger (20-26 yr) and fifteen older (65-73 yr) participants during a unilateral dorsiflexion force-tracing task. Dynamic Causal Modelling (DCM) and Parametric Empirical Bayes (PEB) were used to investigate how directed connectivity between contralateral M1, PMC, parietal, and prefrontal regions was related to age group and precision in force production. DCM and PEB analyses revealed that the strength of connections between PMC and M1 were related to ankle force precision and differed by age group. For young adults, bidirectional PMC-M1 coupling was negatively related to task performance: stronger backward M1-PMC and forward PMC-M1 coupling was associated with worse force precision. The older group exhibited deviations from this pattern. For the PMC to M1 coupling, there were no age-group differences in coupling strength; however, within the older group, stronger coupling was associated with better performance. For the M1 to PMC coupling, older adults followed the same pattern as young adults - with stronger coupling accompanied by worse performance - but coupling strength was lower than in the young group. Our results suggest that bidirectional M1-PMC communication is related to precision in ankle force production and that this relationship changes with aging. We argue that the observed age-related differences reflect compensatory mechanisms whereby older adults maintain performance in the face of declines in the sensorimotor system.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 15 Oct 2019


  • EEG
  • DCM
  • motor control
  • brain connectivity


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