Design/CPN. A Reference Manual

    Research output: Book/anthology/dissertation/reportReportCommunication


    Note: The manuals are available as PDF files .

    There are two sets of manuals - one for the Unix platform and another for the Mac platform.

    Each set of manual consists of:

    Tutorial (for the Design/CPN editor and simulator) Reference Manual (for the Design/CPN editor and simulator) Programmer's Manual (with Design/OA functions and Charts) Occurrence Graph Manual (integrated tutorial and reference manual) OE/OS Graph Manual (integrated tutorial and reference manual) Other Manuals (e.g. a short overview of CPN ML).


    The Tutorial, Reference Manual and Programmer's Manual are made for Design/CPN Version 3.0. Changes and new facilities in Design/CPN Version 4.0 is covered in the "Design/CPN 4.x Manual Addendum". Please report any errors found in the Design/CPN tool and manuals to the CPN group at University of Aarhus (and not to Meta Software). Use the bug/error reporting facilities on the Design/CPN WWW pages.

    To speed up the access to the Design/CPN manuals we recommend to keep a local copy - which may be shared by all users in your organisation. In this way you do not need to go via our WWW server each time you need to look in a manual.

    For some of the largest manuals, we also supply files containing smaller parts. In this way it is easy, e.g., to keep the index open in one window while you keep the main part open in another and perhaps the table of contents in a third.

    Corrections to the Design/CPN manuals are made by adding a number of "yellow stickers" to the PDF file - they open when you click on them. The yellow stickers do not print


    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherDepartment of Computer Science, Aarhus University
    Publication statusPublished - 1991


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