
This workshop will examine and discuss the role and nature of design tools and materials in creative work, and explore how to meaningfully combine existing and novel tools to support and augment creative work. By exploring and combining methodological, theoretical, and design-oriented perspectives, participants will examine the potentials and limitations in current uses of design tools and materials, and discuss and explore when and how to introduce new ones. Participation in the workshop requires participants to document and analyse central themes in a case, and the resulting material will serve as the empirical grounding for workshop discussions.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDIS 2017 Companion - Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems : Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference Companion Publication on Designing Interactive Systems
Number of pages4
PublisherAssociation for Computing Machinery
Publication date10 Jun 2017
ISBN (Print)978-1-4503-4991-8
ISBN (Electronic)9781450349918
Publication statusPublished - 10 Jun 2017
EventDesigning Interactive Systems 2017 - Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Duration: 10 Jun 201714 Jun 2017


ConferenceDesigning Interactive Systems 2017
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


  • Collaborative creativity
  • Computer-supported creativity
  • Creativity studies
  • Design
  • Ideation


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