Customer satisfaction and business excellence

Kai Kristensen, Anne Martensen, Lars Grønholdt

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearch


The topic for this paper is the link between customer satisfaction and business performance, which makes it possible to use customer satisfaction measures as basis for creating business excellence. First, the paper presents microeconomic models for the relationship between customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and performance, and optimal customer satisfaction is characterized which will help management choose the right quality parameters for improvement. Second, the paper describes empirical evidence that customer satisfaction measures, based on a modelling approach, have impact on economic performance.
Translated title of the contributionCustomer satisfaction and business excellence
Original languageEnglish
Publication date1998
Publication statusPublished - 1998
EventThe First International Conference on Performance Measurement, Centre for Business Performance, University of Cambridge, Judge Institute of Management Studies, 1998. In: Performance measurement - theory and practice / Andy D.Neely and -
Duration: 14 Jul 199817 Jul 1998


ConferenceThe First International Conference on Performance Measurement, Centre for Business Performance, University of Cambridge, Judge Institute of Management Studies, 1998. In: Performance measurement - theory and practice / Andy D.Neely and


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