Communication lexicographique de la bière: calquée sur celle du vin?

Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


conic beverages of our sensory and hedonic consumer societies, beer and wine instil a wide range of lexicographic communication processes that are not limited to the communication of dictionaries and other lexicographic tools, but extend to that of products and brands, especially on rating apps. This article offers, for French, an initiatory visit of the lexicographic communication of beer in the light of that of wine. Are they modeled on each other? The starting idea is that beer, which is significantly less artistic than wine, seeks to make itself more premium through its lexicographic communication. In this context, the article is based on two opposite but complementary lexicographic paradigms, which allow a better approach to the field of study of lexicographic communication.
Original languageFrench
Title of host publicationNouvelles tendances de la romanistique scandinave / Nuevas tendencias de la romanística escandinava / Nuove tendenze della romanistica scandinava / Novas tendências da romanística escandinava.
EditorsMerete Birkelund, Susana Silvia Fernandez
Number of pages15
PublisherAU Library Scholarly Publishing Services
Publication date23 May 2024
ISBN (Electronic)978-87-7507-557-7
Publication statusPublished - 23 May 2024
EventXXI Skandinavisk Romanist Kongres - Aarhus Universitet, Aarhus, Denmark
Duration: 16 Aug 202220 Aug 2022


ConferenceXXI Skandinavisk Romanist Kongres
LocationAarhus Universitet


  • Lexicographic communication
  • Beer tasting notes
  • Beerr tasting plaforms
  • Beer and wine cultures
  • Lexicographic communities
  • Wine and beer rating

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