Codestrates V2: A Development Platform for Webstrates

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This report presents the Codestrates v2 development platform for Webstrates. Webstrates is an experimental platform to explore the vision of computational media. Codestrates v2 consists of three components: The Webstrates Package Manager, the Execution engine, and the authoring environment Cauldron. Together, the three components create a powerful development platform for Webstrates on top of Webstrates. This report summarizes the background of the project and its original motivation. We introduce the three components, explain their functionality and use, and provide details about how they are implemented. Finally, two example cases illustrate how the platform allows to create a simple todo list application and a computational notebook.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherAarhus University
Number of pages18
Publication statusPublished - 2021
SeriesTechnical report


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