Break the Pattern! A critical enquiry into three scientific workplace cultures: Hercules, Caretakers and Worker Bees

    Research output: Book/anthology/dissertation/reportReportResearch


    Break the Pattern! A critical enquiry into three scientific workplace cultures: Hercules, Caretakers and Worker Bees is the third publication of the international three year long project "Understanding Puzzles in the Gendered European Map" (UPGEM).
    By contrasting empirical findings from academic workplaces in the five UPGEM-countries (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Italy and Poland) we identify three clusters of cultural patterns in physics as culture. We call these Hercules, Caretakers and Worker Bees. We also consider the influence of national cultural historical processes on the scientific culture (physics in culture) and discuss how physics as and in culture influence the perception of science, of work and family life, of the interplay between religion and science as well as how physics as culture can either hinder or promote the career of female scientists.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of publicationTartu
    Number of pages241
    ISBN (Print)978-9949-11-995-0
    Publication statusPublished - 2008


    • Workplace culture
    • Gender
    • culture contrast

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