Blood work (part 1-3: Finding your pulse; Flow; Solids)

Mette Terp Høybye (Producer), Marie Hallager Andersen (Producer)

Research output: Non-textual formPictures, Video and sound recordings (digital)Educationpeer-review


This is a production of three audio files that focus on blood. They are all part of the Extended Practice of the Somatics Toolkit.
Blood is the vital substance in our body that we hardly notice in everyday life, unless it unexpectedly erupts beyond the surface of the skin, when we get a cut, a nosebleed, donate blood, undergo a medical procedure, go through a menstrual period, or other types of disruptions of the common containment of blood in the body. In this audio file we explore the repetitive journey of blood in the body, carried by the circulatory system and the interrelations between blood, breath, pulse and movement.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2019
EditionSomatics Toolkit
Media of outputAudio
Publication statusPublished - 2019

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