Audiences’ transformative potential: A performing arts journey from Madrid to Medellín

Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review


This article aims to explore how transformation works in aesthetic experiences. In order to answer this huge question, I will start by defining “transformation”, taking the approaches of Richard Schechner (1994) and Erika Ficher-Lichte (2008; 2017) as my point of departure. Secondly, I will focus on how the aesthetic and ethical dimension of artistic forms is reshaped by audiences, and how audiences are impacted by these artistic forms. Specifically, I will reflect on my experiences of audience analysis of the play Donde el bosque se espesa by Micomicón in Madrid (Spain) in 2017 within the framework of the European Union project Unsettling Remembering and Social Cohesion in Transnational Europe (UNREST, 2016-2019). I will put into perspective my previous research experiences with audiences in the light of my current research collaboration with Colombian partners and their work with communities that have experienced violence during the armed conflict in that country (1960s – 2016), framed within the research project called TransMigrArts (2022-2025). In the framework of the peacebuilding process in Colombia, the research programme La Paz es una Obra de Arte (Peace is a Work of Art) LPOA (Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín) intends to transform the ways in which vulnerable communities address their difficult past using clown interventions as a tool. Finally, my proposal is epistemological, because it is concerned with the importance of acknowledging that the European academy has a lot to learn from the methodologies implemented in universities in Latin America.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationOn Spectatorship : An Approach to Contemporary Spanish Theatre
EditorsAnxo Abuín González, Eduardo Pérez Rasilla
Number of pages20
Place of publicationBruxelles
PublisherPeter Lang
Publication date24 Apr 2024
ISBN (Print)9782875744647
ISBN (Electronic)9782875744654, 9782875744661
Publication statusPublished - 24 Apr 2024
SeriesDramaturgies Texts, Cultures and Performances


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