A Participatory Design approach to sustaining makerspace initiatives

Katrine Holm Kanstrup, Ole Sejer Iversen, Christian Dindler, Maarten Van Mechelen, Marie-Louise Wagner

Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review


This chapter proposes a framework consisting of six steps for sustaining makerspace initiatives by use of infrastructures developed through a participatory process. Our framework derives from eleven cases in which we have supported the initial stage of a makerspace initiative for eleven Danish municipalities and a private foundation. The aim of this work was to create sustainable infrastructures around the initiatives and to provide the makerspace initiatives with a shared vision for developing the initiative according to the municipalities individual ambitions and circumstances. In this chapter we condense our experience into a six step framework to inspire future makerspace initiatives globally. The six step framework is based on current research in Participatory Design (PD) and draws on principles of stakeholder involvement, infrastructuring and vertical and horizontal alignment. Here we exemplify how this work may lead to more sustainable and robust makerspace initiatives.
Original languageDanish
Title of host publicationMaker Education Meets Technology Education - Reflections on Good Practices : International Technology Education Studies
EditorsRemke M. Klapwijk, Jianjun Gu, Qiuyue Yang, Marc J. de Vries
Place of publicationLeiden/Boston
Publication dateSept 2023
ISBN (Print)978-90-04-68189-7, 978-90-04-68190-3
ISBN (Electronic)978-90-04-68191-0
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2023
Series International Technology Education Studies

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