A new GARCH model with a deterministic time-varying intercept

Niklas Ahlgren, Alexander Back, Timo Teräsvirta

Research output: Working paper/Preprint Working paperResearch


It is common for long financial time series to exhibit gradual change in the unconditional volatility. We propose a new model that captures this type of nonstationarity in a parsimonious way. The model augments the volatility equation of a standard GARCH model by a deterministic time-varying intercept. It captures structural change that slowly affects the amplitude of a time series while keeping the short-run dynamics constant. We parameterize the intercept as a linear combination of logistic transition functions. We show that the model can be derived from a multiplicative decomposition of volatility and preserves the financial motivation of variance decomposition. We use the theory of locally stationary processes to show that the quasi maximum likelihood estimator (QMLE) of the parameters of the model is consistent and asymptotically normally distributed. We examine the quality of the
asymptotic approximation in a small simulation study. An empirical application to Oracle Corporation stock returns demonstrates the usefulness of the model. We find that the persistence implied by the GARCH parameter estimates is reduced by including a time-varying intercept in the volatility equation.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages52
Publication statusPublished - 7 Oct 2024

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