A life psychological examination of risk factors for processes of radicalization

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceResearchpeer-review


The theory of Life Psychology is a general psychological model developed to explicate the interplay among a secure life attachment, life skills, and a reasonable grip on life in regard to psychological well-being and involvement in one’s personal and common life. This theory explains violent radicalization in relation to an insecure or disturbed life attachment dealt with by deficient and/or disturbed life skills.
Our project includes two phases. (1) Operationalization of the radicalization model`s assessment scales to identify the fundamental risk factors regarding insecure life attachment, deficient/disturbed life skills, and violent extremism. These scales have been validated in a large-N survey and have proven to be psychometrically sound. (2) Examination of the assumption that insecure life attachment is a root factor leading to violent extremism, which is further moderated by deficient/disturbed life skills. This assumption was examined in a large-N study among high school students in Denmark and USA. The results support the life psychological theory and recommend early preventive interventions addressing deficient and disturbed life attachment and life skills.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2018
Publication statusPublished - 2018
Event2018 Nordic Conference on Violent Extremism - University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Duration: 29 Nov 201830 Nov 2018


Conference2018 Nordic Conference on Violent Extremism
LocationUniversity of Oslo
Internet address

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