Project Details


The overall aim of the WelFur III project is to facilitate the implementation of the welfare assessment protocol for mink in Europe. A test of the WelFur protocol at farms in 10 European countries disclosed a number of issues that needed to be solved in order to make sure that WelFur could correctly handle all conditions found around Europe in each of the three seasons that covers the strict annual cycle of mink production.
A Ph.D. project is aiming at increasing the feasibility and exploring ways to reduce the costs of assessment, without reducing the validity or the reliability.
The project included 37 hours courses for training of WelFur assessors, including an exam that should be passed in order to qualify as a WelFur-Mink asssessor.
The project was financed by 3.932.000 DKK + 44% overhead (OH) from Fur Europe and co-funded by 452.000 DKK from AU.
AcronymWelFur III
Effective start/end date01/01/201531/12/2019