Testing Democracy from the Bottom-Up: Plan and Reality of Civil Defense in Cold-War Aarhus

Project: Research

Project Details


First phase of the MELICA project aimed at the mapping of civil defenses (shelters) across Aarhus in order to test the local implementation of the national defense strategy in 1970-80s. This phase is funded by SHAPE – Shaping Digital Citizenship (www.shape.au.dk)

Key findings

A geospatial dataset with the locations of shelters within the Aarhus municipal extent
Short titleCold War in Aarhus
Effective start/end date01/06/202231/05/2023


  • civil defence, mobile GIS, cold-war.


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  • GUI or not to GUI

    Sobotkova, A. (Lecturer)

    4 Apr 2023

    Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activitiesLecture and oral contribution