Project Details
The overall aim of this study is to investigate whether individualized, need-based recurrence sur-veillance can improve health related QoL (HRQoL), without compromising OS and RFS or in-creasing costs. The objective of the study is to design a ctDNA and ePROM guided surveillance program for stage I and low risk stage II patients with CRC, and conduct a trial where this program can be compared to standard-of-care recurrence surveillance in terms of HRQoL, OS, RFS, and cost-effectiveness. The study Intervention Group will receive a ctDNA and ePROM guided surveillance program, which includes: 1) serial ctDNA monitoring to identify individuals with high risk of recurrence, 2) serial ePROM monitoring to identify ‘organ-specific late effects’ and ‘biopsychosocial late effects’, 3) planned and systematic management/intervention of recurrence and late effects, and 4) personalized self-managed follow-up by a digital care guide as a smartphone application. The standard-of-care group receives standard-of-care CT-imaging based recurrence surveil-lance.
Key findings
Study launch Q2 2024
Layman's description
Formålet med RESPONSE er at lave et nyt opfølgningsprogram til patienter med tyk- eller endetarmskræft, der skal være patientcentreret, behovsbaseret og have fokus på identifikation og behandling af senfølger. Ved at benytte cirkulerende tumor DNA som markør for tilbagefald istedet for CTscanninger, kan der spares ressourcer uden at kompromittere kvaliteten af opfølgningen. Disse ressourcer kan så bruges til at bedre livskvaliteten hos de patienter der er plaget af senfølger. Derudover vil opfølgningsprogrammet være styret af patienten selv via en digital care guide, som en app på patientens smartphone.
Short title | RESPONSE: Colorectal cancer survivors’ follow-up care |
Acronym | RESPONSE |
Status | Active |
Effective start/end date | 01/05/2024 → 01/05/2030 |