Theatre ceased to be just a phenomenon associated with on-stage representation long ago. Its destiny as an aesthetic fact, as Jean-Luc
Larrue would put it, goes hand in hand with the "shattering of the traditional disciplinary boundaries and the invasion of the new
technologies" and it has moved with increasing determination toward the rewarding territories of hybridization and intermediality. In this
project, therefore, we plan to speak about theatre off the stage, dispersed into the urban context or cyberspace or channelled through
cinema, radio or television, and to discuss new experiences as diverse as action arts, the use of theatrical models applied to new
technologies (virtual theatre, cyborg theatre, the man-machine) and media (photography or cinema), the occupation of public spaces, minitheatre,
theatre or street dance, festivals or poetic performances. We continue the reflexion begun at the previous meetings in Madrid
(December 2014) and Toulouse (March 2015), with the intention of looking into the appropriateness of an intermedia theoretical
framework, with its pertinent semiotic devices, and into the adaptation of new key concepts for theatrical analysis such as immersion,
interactivity, real and virtual corporality or activism, because we do not want to forget the political-ideological dimension of such practices in
the Hispanic context. The objectives of the project include the following: to define the extent to which performing arts have become an
expanded field that has served as semiotic model for emerging media and to analyze the specific relations between the theatrical and the
performative; to explain the characteristics of performative theatre in the Hispanic context as it relates to the international context,
searching for equivalences with another significant theoretical concepts: the rhizomatic, the procedural or, of course, the post-dramatic; to
analyze the appropriateness of the performative as a transversal category that can be useful for describing several artistic experiences in
different media from a series of common characteristics, interesting for their formal as well as discursive innovative nature. The results of
the project will deal with the specific study of cultural manifestations (theatre, videoart, political activism) from an intermedia perspective,
as an ensemble of devices that relate to each other and maintain constant tensions, paying particular attention to shows, process events
and stage experiences that may contribute to altering viewpoints and the modes of social and political relationships. This will lead to the
creation of an international network in which all these issues are studied and appreciated, through the collaboration of all the universities