Modeling Everyday Life In Cold-War Aarhus: The Plan and the Reality of Civil Defense

Project: Research

Project Details


MELICA will investigate the empirical basis of Cold-War preparedness in Aarhus by (1) reconstructing the everyday experience of individuals living in Cold-War Aarhus through spatial analysis of shelter locations and text analysis of written sources to assess whether the evidence points towards a militarization of everyday life or ‘normalization’ of war, (2) identifying gaps between how Cold-War civil defense was conceptualized at the national level and delivered at the local level in Aarhus, and (3) evaluating civil defense effectiveness by simulating a shelter drill, identifying weak points and stakeholders in civil defense planning.
Effective start/end date01/01/202431/12/2026


  • civil defence, mobile GIS, cold-war, digital history


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