Projects per year
Project Details
The aim of CoV-clusion is to improve services’ proactive efforts and make the society better prepared for future crises by providing knowledge about how family vulnerability is linked to inclusion and exclusion processes before, during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. Carrying out the project within a Norwegian welfare context makes the knowledge particularly useful for Norwegian and Nordic professionals and policy makers. CoV-clusion will focus on services providing support and mental health care for children and families in Norway, including Family counselling centres (FCC), the child protective services (CPS) and child and adolescent mental health outpatient clinics (BUP). Thus, the primary users of knowledge from CoV-clusion will be these support and mental health services (hereafter mentioned as SMH-services), schools, childcare and teachers, and policy makers involved in the planning and organization of these services. Families in need of these services are considered secondary users.
Short title | CoV-clusion |
Status | Active |
Effective start/end date | 01/12/2021 → 30/04/2025 |
- COVID-19
- Vulnerability
- Exclusion
- Health
- Welfare
- Well-being
- Schools
- Families
- Students
- 4 Finished
Coronatrivsel under skolenedlukninger i Århus Kommune - elever og forældre i 4.-9. klasse
Qvortrup, L. (Project manager), Højgaard Christensen, J. (PI) & Wistoft, K. (PI)
23/02/2021 → 30/04/2021
Project: Research
A window of change: transformations of playful learning environments in kindergartens and primary schools in Denmark during and after COVID-19
Wistoft, K. (Project manager), Qvortrup, L. (Participant), Clark, A. (Participant) & Qvortrup, A. (Award holder)
01/08/2020 → 28/02/2021
Project: Research
File -
Social-emotional conditions for children during the reopening of kindergartens and schools after the Covid-19 lockdown
Qvortrup, A. (Project manager), Qvortrup, L. (Collaborator) & Wistoft, K. (Collaborator)
06/07/2020 → 19/08/2020
Project: Research
Research output
Inclusion and exclusion during COVID 19 school closures
Qvortrup, L. & Wistoft, K., 12 Jul 2023, (Submitted) In: International Journal of Inclusive Education.Research output: Contribution to journal/Conference contribution in journal/Contribution to newspaper › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Alle taler om børns og unges psykiske helbred, men ingen taler om elefanten i rummet: coronanedlukningerne
Wistoft, K., Grandahl, M. G. & Hjuler, T. F., 17 Nov 2022, In: Berlingske Tidende. Sektion 1, p. 24Research output: Contribution to journal/Conference contribution in journal/Contribution to newspaper › Contribution to newspaper - Feature article
Open Access -
Konsekvenserne af de coronabetingede skolenedlukninger i 2020 og 2021 for elever, lærere, forældre og skoler
Wistoft, K., Qvortrup, L. & Christensen, J. H., 1 Feb 2022.Research output: Contribution to conference › Conference abstract for conference › Research › peer-review
- 1 Participation in or organisation of workshop, seminar or course
Fokusering af indsatsen for at fremme den mentale sundhed og forebygge, at mistrivsel blandt børn og unge.
Wistoft, K. (Participant)
12 Sept 2022Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in or organisation of workshop, seminar or course
Nye trivselstal - kan man sammenligne skolerne?
Wistoft, K.
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
Skoleeleverne skal på ”forlænget juleferie”. Men for udsatte børn og unge er det langt fra en fest
Wistoft, K.
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media