Hydrogen Fuel Cell and Battery Hybrid Technology for Marine Applications: Feasibility and performance

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    This is a 11Million Dkk research project funded by EUDP. The project focuses at studying the feasibility of zero-emission propulsion technology for ferries and small-mid size ships using fuel cell and batteries, delivering an early solution prototype and introducing a control optimization for the (integrated) hybrid energy solution to reduce the operation cost and improve the reliability. The technology is going to be built via integration of battery and hydrogen fuel cells to generate power for the electric propulsion engines. AU mission focuses on the safety control of the different subsystems to secure high performance and guarantee the safety properties. Model-based design and analysis as well as performance assessment will be key contributions to carry out in this project.
    Short titleHFC
    Effective start/end date01/09/201831/12/2020


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