Project Details


The European Topic Centre on Climate Change impacts, vulnerability and Adaptation (ETC/CCA) is a Consortium of European Organizations contracted by the European Environment Agency (EEA) to carry out specific tasks in the area of climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation (CCIVA) across Europe. Tasks are specified in the ETC/CCA annual Action Plan (AP), which is coherent with the EEA five-year strategy and Multiannual Work Programme and specific EEA Single Programming Documents.

The ETC/CCA is an integral part of and support to the European environment information and observation network (Eionet): the EEA partnership network which is crucial to the agency in collecting and organising data and in developing and disseminating information.

In particular, the ETC/CCA supports the implementation and review of the 2013 EU Strategy on Climate Change Adaptation, by assisting the EEA in maintaining the European Climate Adaptation Platform (Climate-ADAPT), which was launched jointly by DG CLIMA and EEA on 23 March 2012, as a follow-up of the EU Commission 2009 White paper on Adaptation to climate change and in preparing updated or new indicators and contributions to relevant assessment reports.

As climate change adaptation mainstreaming is broader and also covers many sectoral (e.g. agriculture, coastal areas, floods, water, mountain areas, etc.) and crosscutting policies (e.g. disaster risk reduction, cohesion, research), the ETC/CCA also provides support to the development of some main EU environmental policies such as on: biodiversity (e.g. 2020 Biodiversity Strategy), water (e.g. Water Framework Directive (WFD), 2012 Blueprint for water) and ICZM (Integrated Coastal Zone Management) Strategy.

The consortium consists of 15 European organisations: CMCC, CENIA, Climate Alliance, DCE-AU, EAA, EURAC Research, FC.ID, FT, Met Office, PBL, SYKE, THETIS, UFZ, VITO, WENR, with CMCC as Coordinating Organization.
Effective start/end date01/01/201931/12/2021


  • Climate change
  • Adaptation
  • Vulnerability
  • Climate impacts


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