Project Details


The purpose of the project is to explore the possibilities of enhancing patient's experience of coherence by introducing a novel digitally supported intervention which can empower patients with low back pain to self-management.

Layman's description

Patients with low back pain often find it difficult to manage their condition in everyday life and therefore often confront repeating contacts with the health system across sectors. They experience these contacts as incoherent characterised by conflicting advice and passive waiting time. Consequently, many patients end up even more confused and without knowledge about how to manage life with LBP. Thus, finding new ways to support self-management is essential as it will facilitate an empowered coherent life with LBP.

By introducing a novel digitally supported consultation with a specialist, we aim to empower patients to take advantage of opportunities provided by civil society, such as social walks, and thereby actively participate in their treatment, also during otherwise passive waiting times. The project will offer knowledge about how to create experience of coherence in patient pathways via strengthened self-management.
Effective start/end date02/01/202331/12/2025


  • Regional Hospital of Viborg: DKK60,000.00
  • Regional Hospital of Viborg: DKK195,925.00