Activities per year
- 26 results
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A polar bear with a lifebuoy
Eriksson, B. (Lecturer) & Sørensen, T. L. H. (Participant)
9 Jan 2025Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Rådgivning om undersøgelse af kulturproducerende værksteder
Eriksson, B. (Consultant)
25 Nov 2024Activity: Consultancy types › Consultancy
Experiences with & reflections on impact in relation to doing participatory research with cultural institutions
Eriksson, B. (Consultant)
30 Oct 2024Activity: Consultancy types › Consultancy
BRØK - Brønshøj Kulturhus
Eriksson, B. (Lecturer)
23 Sept 2024Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Værksteder til kulturproduktion – hvordan ser de ud, hvem er de for, og hvordan udvikler man dem?
Eriksson, B. (Lecturer)
23 Aug 2024Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Kulturen som mødested og læringsrum
Eriksson, B. (Lecturer)
23 Aug 2024Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Det unyttiges kunst i en presset verden
Eriksson, B. (Lecturer)
23 Aug 2024Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Deltagelsesbaserede kunstprojekter på Trapholt: Et forskningsperspektiv på deres betydning
Eriksson, B. (Lecturer) & Sørensen, T. L. H. (Lecturer)
31 May 2024Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Collaborative Art at Trapholt - Why Bother?
Eriksson, B. (Lecturer) & Grøn, K. (Lecturer)
23 May 2024Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Ned af piedestalen: Dialogiske, feminine og kritiske versioner af den offentlige kunst og fælles kulturarv
Eriksson, B. (Lecturer) & Sørensen, T. L. H. (Lecturer)
1 May 2024Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Indblik i deltagelseskulturen: Deltagelse i og gennem kulturinstitutioner
Eriksson, B. (Lecturer)
26 Apr 2024Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Deltagelse og demokrati i/gennem kulturinstitutioner
Eriksson, B. (Lecturer)
7 Feb 2024Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Practice-based research and research-based development
Eriksson, B. (Lecturer)
12 Jan 2024Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Co-knitting Cultural Heritage: Between Participation, Agonism and Public Agency
Eriksson, B. (Lecturer)
8 Dec 2023Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Kan offentligheder strikkes?
Eriksson, B. (Lecturer)
27 Oct 2023Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Saved by Culture? Cultural Democracy in Disruptive Times (keynote)
Eriksson, B. (Lecturer)
24 Aug 2023Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Can democracy be knitted?
Eriksson, B. (Lecturer)
9 Jun 2023Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Doing Democracy: Arts, Politics and Culture
Eriksson, B. (Organizer) & Knudsen, B. T. (Organizer)
9 Jun 2023Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in or organisation of workshop, seminar or course
Samtidskunsten og lokalmiljøet
Eriksson, B. (Panel member)
2 May 2023Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Embroidering, Weaving and Knitting Participation at Trapholt Museum
Eriksson, B. (Lecturer) & Sørensen, T. L. H. (Lecturer)
19 Apr 2023Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Deltagelse i/gennem kulturinstitutioner
Eriksson, B. (Lecturer)
23 Sept 2022Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Participation in art, culture and democracy
Eriksson, B. (Invited speaker)
1 Sept 2022Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Følg forskningen
Eriksson, B. (Lecturer) & Sørensen, T. L. H. (Lecturer)
8 Jun 2022Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Crafting and Crossing Borders - in and beyond the Art World
Eriksson, B. (Lecturer)
7 Apr 2022Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
CRAFTWORKS: Creative, institutional and social potentials of new forms of craft-based participation at the art museum
Eriksson, B. (Lecturer)
23 Mar 2022Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Collaborative Art as Change Maker
Grøn, K. H. (Lecturer) & Eriksson, B. (Lecturer)
19 Oct 2021Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution