Across Family Work and Inclusion in School

  • Højholt, Charlotte (Participant)
  • Kousholt, Dorte (Participant)
  • Morin, Anne (Participant)
  • Jensen, Tine (Participant)
  • Larsen, Maja Røn (Participant)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    Through four connected subprojects, this project will explore child development and adult cooperation across family work and inclusion in school (inclusion understood as endeavours to help children with difficulties participate in normal school routines). The project will deal with professional practices that are directed toward supporting children in their family life, that support children's learning processes in school, and initiatives to coordinate these efforts.  In this way, the project will explore: A) Family life, family problems, and family work; B) learning processes, learning difficulties, and special education; C) Professionalism directed toward working with such difficulties - particularly, the education profession and the historical development of the professions in relation to each other; and D) Social categorization, transition procedures, and descriptive tools. The project will be carried out in close cooperation with the municipalities of Greve and Copenhagen, where development work and experiments are being carried out in the areas of 'family classes' and how family work and inclusion in school can be conceived together.  The project will contribute knowledge about how different social efforts work together in the lives of children - knowledge that can form a foundation for improving the organization of social efforts and efforts to support learning.
    Effective start/end date01/06/200731/05/2010


    • <ingen navn>


    • inclusion
    • Familie og opdragelse
    • Inklusion
    • Grundskole


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