Projects per year
Personal profile
PhD Project
Effect of feeding strategy during the dry and the transition period on health and metabolic status in dairy cows
Birthe M. Damgaard is supervisor and Mogens Vestergaard is local supervisor
- 1 Similar Profiles
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
EUPAHW: European Partnership on Animal Health and Welfare
Sørensen, J. T. (PI), Østergaard, S. (Project manager), Jensen, M. B. (Project manager), Herskin, M. S. (Participant), Krogh, M. A. (Participant), Thomsen, P. T. (Participant), Pedersen, L. J. (Participant), Hojberg, O. (Participant), Canibe, N. (Participant), Dalgaard, T. S. (Participant), Søndergaard, E. (Project coordinator), Bjerre-Harpøth, V. (Project coordinator), Salazar, L. (Participant), Lønberg-Jensen, O. U. (Participant), Toft-Petersen, E. (Participant) & Bisgaard, L. R. (Participant)
01/01/2024 → 31/12/2030
Project: Research
optimization of production and welfare of dairy cows ans calves during transition period
Munksgaard, L. (Project manager), Røjen, B. A. (Participant), Damgaard, B. M. (Participant), Weisbjerg, M. R. (Participant), Kristensen, N. B. (Participant), Bjerre-Harpøth, V. (Participant), Larsen, M. (Participant) & Herskin, M. S. (Participant)
Fødevare Erhverv, Videncentret f. Landbrug, Kvæg, DJF
01/07/2010 → 31/12/2012
Project: Research
Research output
Effect of postpartum propylene glycol allocation to over-conditioned Holstein cows on concentrations of milk metabolites
Bjerre-Harpøth, V., Storm, A. C., Vestergaard, M., Larsen, M. & Larsen, T., 1 May 2016, In: Journal of Dairy Research. 83, 2, p. 156-164 10 p.Research output: Contribution to journal/Conference contribution in journal/Contribution to newspaper › Journal article › Research › peer-review
9 Citations (Scopus) -
Hepatic metabolism of anaesthetized growing pigs during acute portal infusion of volatile fatty acids and hydroxy-methyl butyrate
Theil, P. K., Larsen, U. K., Bjerre-Harpøth, V. & Storm, A. C., Sept 2016, In: Journal of Animal Science. 94, Suppl. 3, p. 324-327 4 p.Research output: Contribution to journal/Conference contribution in journal/Contribution to newspaper › Journal article › Research › peer-review
4 Citations (Scopus) -
Effect of propylene glycol on adipose tissue mobilization in postpartum over-conditioned Holstein cows
Bjerre-Harpøth, V., Storm, A. C., Eslamizad, M., Kuhla, B. & Larsen, M., Dec 2015, In: Journal of Dairy Science. 98, 12, p. 8581-8596 16 p.Research output: Contribution to journal/Conference contribution in journal/Contribution to newspaper › Journal article › Research › peer-review
14 Citations (Scopus) -
Hepatic metabolism of anaesthetiezed growing pigs during acute portal infusion of volatile fatty acids and hydroxy-methyl butyrat
Theil, P. K., Larsen, U. K., Bjerre-Harpøth, V. & Storm, A. C., 20 May 2015, Proceedings of 13th DPP: Digestive Physiology in Pigs Symposium. Kliczkow, p. 232-232 1 p.Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/proceeding › Conference abstract in proceedings › Research
Identification and validation of candidate biomarkers for animal health, fertility and milk quality: Delivrable 2.3 Official deliverable of the 7th Framework Programme KBBE
Larsen, T., Moorby, J. M., Knop, D., Bjerre-Harpøth, V., Sairanen, A., Ferris, C., Shingfield, K., Zollitsch, W. & Vestergaard, M., 31 Aug 2015, 35 p.Research output: Book/anthology/dissertation/report › Report › Research
Huldændring i goldperioden og fedttræning
Bjerre-Harpøth, V. (Invited speaker)
23 Jan 2014Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Lecture and oral contribution
Gæstophold v.University of Bern, Vetsuisse Faculty, Department of Veterinary Physiology
Bjerre-Harpøth, V. (Participant)
1 Aug 2012 → 18 Dec 2012Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Other
Medlem af ANIS (Institut for Husdyrvidenskab) Institutforum
Bjerre-Harpøth, V. (Participant)
1 May 2012Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Other
Medlem af ANIS (Institut for Husdyrvidenskab) Programkomité: Er Ph.d.-repræsentant
Bjerre-Harpøth, V. (Participant)
1 Oct 2011Activity: Presentations, memberships, ownership and other activities › Other
Temadag om aktuelle fodringsspørgsmål - Fodringsdag 2011
Bjerre-Harpøth, V. (Participant)
6 Sept 2011Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in or organisation of workshop, seminar or course