5 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Uffe Schmidt with the persons below:
Birgit Storm Hansen
- Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences - ANIVET MARK - Agricultural Staff Member
Person: TAP
Henning Haugaard Jacobsen
- Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences - ANIVET MARK - Research Technician
Person: TAP
Allan Kvorning Jensen
- Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences - ANIVET MARK - Agricultural Staff Member
Person: TAP
Lisa Løvendahl
- Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences - ANIVET MARK - Research Project Staff
Person: TAP
Henrik Tauber Sørensen
- Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences - ANIVET MARK - Research Project Staff
Person: TAP